Painting Rocks from McKenzie Professional Rock Mix

Even with the extensive selection of artificial rocks available from McKenzie you still may find the need to create your own. Adding tempera paints to McKenzie's Professional Rock Mix to create the desired color can result in an exceptional custom rock design.

Once the rock is constructed and the mix has hardened, wash the rock with water using a rag or sponge. This will remove any plaster residue from the aggregate in the rock mix allowing the mica and other colors to show through.

Next, mix tempera paint with water to make a thin wash of color to stain the rock.

Starting with brown, color various areas on the rock. Then gradually add black tempera paint to the brown mix while painting the rest of the rock. This will vary the color of the rock.

Then use black to darken in the cracks and crevasses.

After the rock is painted lightly wipe the surface of the rock with a damp sponge. This will clean the aggregate in the mix and bring out highlights in the surface of the rock.

While wiping the rock, periodically rinse the sponge in clean water. Remember, as the rock dries the color will become lighter.

For more information our video Creating Rock Bases and Natural Habitats with Roger Martin takes you through the steps form making convincing habitats including his method for making rocks.

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