Finishing Fish for Painting

Finishing Fish for Painting by Matt Thompson


In order to rebuild fleshy areas on fish accurately, it is important to have an accurate model to go by.

In this case, we are going to use a freshly caught fish.


In order to rebuild fleshy areas of a fish head, it is necessary not only to reconstruct the mouth, but all areas of the head as shown in the photo.


One common mistake when reconstructing the head areas is that many times taxidermists do not smooth out the epoxy as needed.

If you feel any difference in the surface, it will show up in the paint. Use a modeling tool on epoxy where a smooth junction is desired.

Also, be sure when painting the fish to have good reference photos available.


Have a fresh specimen to study for accuracy whenever possible. Reconstruct all areas of the head if your fish has a large head and bone structure.

Always smooth your epoxy as needed to integrate the surface.

These steps create a fleshy, life-like mount ready for painting.

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