6900 Whitetail Series Rave Reviews!


"It mounted up very well. A few things fit exceptionally well; the nose width and shape, the lip line, the ear butt set, the neck shape--
Not so round--more deer shape. The brisket is the most accurate I've ever worked with. I can't wait until you get more sizes!"

Marcus Zimmerman

Zimmerman Wildlife Studio


"Dennie's exciting new forms have many of the features I've been looking for in a deer form and are indeed a testament to McKenzie's willingness to listen to and address their customers' needs. Using these new forms, my finished mounts have such a convincing and natural deer-like expression. Thanks!"

Bill Yox

Brockport, NY


"With this form, I really like the facial features, the fullness in the neck, the brisket area, and how close the front legs are to the body.
This may be the best Whitetail form to hit the market!"

Ken DeVivi

Precision Taxidermy Studio


"For years, my good friend, Dennis Behn, has been wrestling to overcome those problems that commonly plague commerical taxidermists when applying skins to manikins. By thinking outside the box, he has solved these issues with the new 6900 series of Whitetail forms.
I predict that this line of mannikins will be the standard for years to come. Thanks Dennie!
The form for the 21st century!"

David Megahan

Columbia Taxidermy Studio


"The form is outstanding! Great shoulders, accurate brisket/armpits, great head! Dennis knocked this one way out of the park!"

Scott Brewer

Spokane, WA


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